Do you have a story you’re just dying to share with the world?
Do you just need a little help to get your writing done?
Are you finished your book but unsure of where to go from here?
It might be that you aren’t certain that you’re doing it right. Perhaps you’ve never taken a writing class or don’t quite know where to start.
It might be that you just don’t have the time—or you think you don’t.
Perhaps it’s something else that’s holding you back.
Whatever it is, I’m here to help you.
Anessa Books Coaching is here to help all authors write and publish the best book they can. We help new authors learn the craft of writing, established authors perfect their craft. Being an author is like being a doctor or lawyer; it’s a practice which you need to constantly work at to improve. Anessa Books will help you to move forward in your authorship practice and your career.
Want more information? Don’t hesitate to contact me!
What’s a book coach? It’s cross between a writing teacher, an editor, and a taskmaster, mixed in with a touch of therapist.
What I do:
- Help you organize your thoughts and get started writing your book.
- Help you organize your time.
- Help you decide on your goals and how you’re going to achieve them.
- Talk with you about your fears, anxiety, and worries (please note, I’m a coach, not a certified therapist!).
- Teach you the necessary writing craft to write your book.
- Give you the steps you need to become a published author.
- Analyze what you’ve written and tell you how to make it fabulous
I am here to provide you with the tools you need to write your book and get it published.
How I do it:
I will work with you one-on-one starting where you are in your writing journey and help you to move forward. I specialize in romance and fantasy, primarily, but am open to discussing your work no matter what genre of fiction.
When we begin working together we’ll set a goal and then work together to decide how often and how we’ll communicate. That could be in a weekly email, a bi-weekly telephone call, or a monthly online Zoom meeting (Zoom is an online video conferencing where you simply click a link in an email to be connected with me directly. Sessions are recorded so that you can review it on your own later). I have different packages available. Click here to find out what they are and what they include.
How much does it cost?
Click here to find out about my packages and other pricing options or contact me to create your own.
Sound interesting? Want more information? Don’t hesitate to contact me!
If this sounds like it might be interesting but you’re just not sure, I will do a test read of your first 20 pages so you can see what I do and how I do it. Contact me for more information.